Everything You Want To Know About Coupons

By Steve Rian

It is no secret that, these days, couponing is all the rage. Heck, there was a time when couponing wasn't even a word. Now, it's an integral part of just about everyone's vocabulary! If you want to know how to get the most from your couponing endeavors, read this informative article.

For the best in grocery coupon info, visit your local store's site first! Many people don't realize that their favorite grocery store has a homepage filled with amazing enticements and they generally stick with coupon and manufacturer sites. Bookmark your neighborhood store and sign up for more savings with email alerts!

Find coupons in your magazines. Magazines have always been full of advertisements, but recently advertisers have been adding coupons to many of their magazine ads. Look for tear-out cards with coupons or even coupons printed directly on the page. Even if you aren't planning on reading the magazine right away, when it arrives in the mail, do a quick flip-through to find coupons before their expiration dates pass.

If you snag a truly great deal with a coupon for an item that you won't use, donate it. Food banks will accept nearly any packaged food item. Women's shelters can often use diapers, shampoo, and other toiletries and supplies. Research and contact local resources in your community to find out what they need, and use your couponing skills for good.

If you do your online research there are several couponing websites you can go to to find the best deals on coupons on all of your favorite items. You may even be able to clip that coupon that will get you some free items to have you saving a whole lot at the checkout.

In addition to clipping coupons, sign up for the bonus or loyalty cards at the stores you shop at most. Many stores will offer additional discounts to individuals who sign up for their cards, and this can amount to a great savings over a short period of time. The sign up process is usually easy and free, so it is very much worth your while if you shop somewhere often.

If you get heavily involved in using coupons, but don't like to spend money printing or buying newspapers, talk to your friends. Many people throw out the coupons from their Sunday papers, and will hold on to them for you to come and collect. Do not try to collect them out of the trash, as this can be illegal.

Look at your list before you go to the grocery store. Check over the items you need and see if there are any coupons available online. You can also check the flyer from the store you visit most often to see if any of the items you need are on sale.

The best way to keep all of your coupons in order is to buy some plastic inserts and keep them in a binder. You can buy different sizes of plastic pouches and perhaps keep them in catagories this way. You can organize it however will be easiest for you to get through.

Now you should have an idea of just how much money you can save by the intelligent use of coupons. Many people have already greatly slashed their spending by mastering the use of coupons. Just start applying the tips from this article and you will be astonished at how much you can save.

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