CBT Treatment

By Mark Red

CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is a method of psychological treatment that differs from the main psychoanalytical stream in many aspects. The psychoanalytical approach based on Freudian approaches focuses on the patients' childhood and his/her initial relationships. The goal of this approach will be to reconstruct situations from the past and raise conflicts from the past.

The CBT approach unlike the psychoanalytical approach doesn't focus on inner conflicts and our initial connections with our family members but rather focuses on present patterns of thoughts and behavior and addresses them in a very goal oriented approach in order to change them and to create new patterns and more positive patterns of though and behavior.

Negative thoughts are an outcome of previous experiences. The goal of the treatment would be to identify them, isolate them and understand the way they affect our feelings and our behavior. We will learn to identify the connection between our thoughts, emotions and reaction to certain situations and break the automatic connection between certain thoughts and their resulted emotions and behavior. We will learn that our thoughts do not reflect the mere truth.

CBT is as mentioned focusing on the "here and now" and nor in the past. Its goal will be to help the patient change as fast as possible the way he behaves and then his emotions and thoughts. Changing maladaptive or negative thinking will lead to a different and more constructive behavior, this is CBT premise.

If you want to change your life and better cope with different situations, you should consider addressing CBT Therapist.If you choose this specific approach of treatment make sure you choose a psychologist who studied CBT and has enough experience using cognitive-behavioral methods.

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