The Baseless BPA Free Plastic Containers Campaign

By Chloe Gib

The possible side effects of too much exposure with this thing is said to be damaging for developing fetuses and children. It may even induce behavioral abnormalities in the person because of what some people claim to be damaging effect it has in the neurons. Most people today advocate for BPA free plastic containers to prevent from being exposed to the compound.

It was discovered in eighteen eighty one by a Russian scientist. It was primarily used as an artificial hormone and a compound for faster growth of livestock. Since the fifties, it has been used by many manufacturers to make the polycarbonate materials harder and more durable. It was only in the late nineties that studies were proposed to find out if there is a link for most diseases and the chemicals around.

A lot of the studies that were conducted concerning the substance observe minor behavioral changes in their test subjects. It can also have an effect in the developmental area of the brain which is the area in the standardized exams that cannot be quantified. Their test subjects are usually rats that have similar reactions to humans when it comes to chemicals.

Scientists have made it clear that only on extremely high levels of the compound do the claimed effects of the chemical will begin to appear. Key Toxicological research focused more on the mimicking effect of the compound. The results still offer vague conceptions as to how it can be related with the health of the people.

Another study conducted, tested the chemical on rats. It has been found that the chemical is absorbed by the body and distributed. The chemical is then reduced to a form of hormone that can be easily secreted by the body. The chemical makes the metabolism in animals go faster which, in effect, connotes to fast excretion of the compound.

Research from a leading company in United States concluded that it does not cause or induce cancer in laboratory animals. However, since it was only tested on laboratory animals a person is advised to be careful enough. The results were not convincing enough to conclude that it is a carcinogenic.

Like many substances, it can imitate a hormone in which can disrupt the glands making the hormones. This will contribute to the abnormal balance of the hormones in the body making it confused as to the amount of the hormones inside the body. The studies regarding this type of effect in the body has not yet been completed and the authorities wanted to make sure of this before they ban the substance.

Many people are caught in the BPA free plastic containers campaign. The Food and Drug Administration supports this view by funding studies which may or may not prove such claims. Independent studies are the only basis of these groups as of now.

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